Departful accepts original contributions from travel writers, photographers, videographers and other content producers on a frequent basis, providing a platform to reach a large and engaged readership.

Above all, our mandate is to provide content that is relevant, thoughtful and actionable that positively impacts our readers’ travels. Before pitching us or submitting an article, please familiarize yourself with the type of content we publish.

Contributor Benefits

Departful accepts articles on a voluntary basis and does not compensate contributors for submissions.

Many of our contributors have their own publications or freelance businesses and use our platform to leverage their personal initiatives, and we strive to reach the largest audience for our contributors’ content.

We actively look for ways to support our team members (anyone who has six or more published articles) such as arranging discounted and comped experiences, FAM trips, and travel events. Team members also receive Departful business cards.

How to Submit Content

Please send article drafts or pitches (with a clearly defined topic and scope) to “submissions [at]”. Only approved articles will receive a response.

Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with the content on Departful to ensure your idea fits within our brand. Also, avoid duplicating content by searching the site for similar topics by theme or region.

All articles must include at least one photo. For posts with multiple photos or photo galleries, links to online galleries will also be accepted. If you’re not the photographer, images must include permission from the photographer or be licensed under creative commons. Please include attribution information alongside images.

Our team will edit approved articles to prepare them for publishing. All edited content will be shared with the original author for final review before it is published. Although we review and edit all articles, please ensure that your submission has been thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar, that everything contained within is accurate, and that all names (accommodations, tour companies, individuals mentioned) are correct. Content containing significant factual or grammatical errors will not be accepted for review.

All contributors must disclose whether all or a portion of their experience was complimentary or subsidized.

Article Formats

Below are several of our standard post formats with example articles to help illustrate the type of content we feature on Departful. These guidelines aren’t set in stone and we are open to deviations if you have a unique article format in mind.

City and Country Guides

As a travel publication, the majority of the content on Departful is destination focused, and often features city and country guides in a variety of formats:
Guides on Departful can be both short-form or long-form. Short-form guides typically range between 500 and 1,000 words and emphasize a specific theme or activity within that city or country. At more than 1,000 words, our long-form guides provide a comprehensive overview of a particular destination and include relevant logistical details.

Photo Posts

We are always happy to feature travel photography by both established and aspiring photographers. A brief description, writeup or captions are appreciated, with the total text between 300 and 1,000 words.

Experiential Posts

Experiential articles often provide a first-person account of a specific experience that our readers might be interested in incorporating into their own travel itinerary. They can be short or long-form but should include relevant links or logistical details that would allow a reader to replicate it.

Travel Tips

These articles focus on providing helpful travel advice to readers that may or may not be location specific. They can range in word count, format (editorial, list etc.) and topic.


We like to recognize the hotels, tour operators, B&Bs, and guides that we feel take travel experiences to new levels. These pieces are typically less than 1,000 words and are often written in first-person.

Video Posts

Our video posts showcase destinations in a way that writing cannot. We feature pieces by videographers with a short accompanying description, which our team can help draft. We’re happy to host video directly on Departful or embed content from Vimeo or YouTube.


From time to time we publish articles that offer a personal perspective on travel, both positive and negative. Editorial articles tend to be written by contributors who have established a presence on Departful rather than first-time contributors.